Meet the Maker...


Hi, welcome! 😊
Thank you for visiting my store.

I'm Daria, a spiritual artist & creator. It took many years of self belief work to embrace that title & have the confidence to sell my creations, but once I began connecting with others who hold similar values, I knew I was on the right path.

I paint bright, colourful artworks on canvas to inspire positivity & hope. I like to incorporate spiritual symbolism & sigils to invoke manifesting energy & communicate to our higher consciousness.

My art reflects the strength it takes to learn self love, finding lightness on the dark days, embracing your value, & trusting that the Universe has your back.

A little about me...

I'm a single parent of 2 teens, one with special needs & much of my life revolves around this.

Some days are super difficult & stressful & the mental load completely overwhelming. It's a demanding life that's led to burnout & chronic illness, but also a life full of love & learning. 

I've found that one of the best tools for healing & mental health is surrounding yourself with beautiful items that help you see the hope & positivity in life.

I try to channel my crappy energy into creating things that bring back the joy & gratitude.

I make art, grow plants, & create little tools to make myself & others feel brighter. I call them 'Tools for a Tired Heart'.

I hope that my tools help lift others' spirits too. I create with the intention that my items will be gifts for those with a tired heart like me, who could use a little help to find the light on their darker days.